Photography is a unique combination of craft, science and art. Learning the science is actually the easy part, but learning to apply that science to life to create art is difficult and elusive. Becoming a craftsman takes years of practice and study. I have written scores of articles on the science of photography and there are classes and online courses by the hundreds teaching about logarithms, apertures and shutters. In this article I will describe some of the ways you can learn about the art of photography and train yourself to be a photographic artist rather than a picture taker. You can probably train a monkey to take a picture, but even with training, it is difficult to become an artist, photographer and craftsman.
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Before you can become a master you need to discover and learn how to appreciate the masters. What makes Ansel Adams' photographs so good? They are just simple scenes and in black and white no less! Ansel Adams discovered and implemented something called the Zone System, which breaks down photographs into eleven shades of grey from white to black. He applied this to his work and began to learn to plan his images based on the best time of day and year to photograph a site. This is why his image of the moon over Taos, New Mexico is great; it only happens a few times a year. In his journals you can read how he planned this photograph for years. To learn photography you need to STUDY THE MASTERS and learn what made them great.
2To learn photography you need to practice! Remember, a monkey can click the shutter. The best way to practice is to do simple exercises around your house and do them more than once, so you become proficient with your tools. I love people who write to me and tell me they are now a photographer also; they just got their first camera last week. I don't care if you take up photography, dog walking, woodworking, cooking or piano, you have to practice to become good. With digital cameras you don't even have to waste film. Set up a still life and take a properly exposed picture at each F-Stop to learn depth of field. Practice doing pan zooms on your dog running around to blur motion. Shoot a scene at each ISO setting to learn about image quality. Shoot in the morning, afternoon and evening to become used to different photographic situations. Practice until you can use your light meter without really thinking.
3Another master, Henri Cartier Bresson, created the concept of the "decisive moment." His idea is that each scene has only one absolute best moment to take a picture. For example, if you are taking a picture of a ball player catching a ball, the decisive moment is when the ball is entering the glove. If it is in the glove, the moment has passed. If it is too far from the glove in the air, the outcome is uncertain. Learn how to study scenes and determine the decisive moment. Ansel Adams obviously understood this knowing that there were only a couple days in the year and certain times of the day for taking the decisive moment of a landscape. You have to be able to "see it" before you can photograph it. Bresson had to see this photograph in his head and understand the effect of the shadow before he could take the picture. This requires lots of practice, because photographic decisions happen fast. Spend time observing life when you don't have a camera to help you identify and "see" decisive moments
4Plan your photography before you do it. The planning process will help you to learn photography. If you are going to a baseball game, what are your goals? There are a number of decisive moments in a game. The pitch, the swing, the catch and the slide are all moments you want to capture. How will you do it? One inning focus on the pitcher. Is there a good hitter coming up? Focus on their swing. Didn't get it, wait for the next time in the batting order. Each event requires planning. "Would you like to learn digital photography approaches that deliver experienced photographers to where they are today? Well, The Top Secret Photography Techniques would help you out in doing so. To find impressive images we first need to look at some imperative photography techniques. The most important one I am able to share with you is figure out about light. You can find everything about photography techniques on , The Top Secret Photography Techniques. Each time you find out about light and in what method it interacts with the direct environment then your shots will get superior..". If it's a baseball game you may want to plan to shoot at a high ISO to freeze the action. A landscape may require a low ISO and a tripod. They say if you can hum a tune, you can play it on an instrument such as a guitar, bass or piano. If you can "see" the picture in your head, you should be able to capture it with your camera--but you have to "see" it first.
5Be your own assignment editor. Successful photographers are given assignments, and if the fulfill them they get more assignments. Want to be a sports photographer? Volunteer to take photos at your local high school games. Take pictures of little league games. Make prints and build your portfolio. Want to be a fashion photographer? Find some models and take pictures for their portfolios for free, but make them sign a model release so you can use those photos in your own portfolio. Give yourself assignments that will force you to develop your craft. Take pictures at a concert without using your flash. Light and take portraits of your friends. Photograph your pets and use blur motion to create a unique pet portrait. Go to local events and photograph them. Ask shop owners if you can photograph their shops in exchange for free pictures. Give yourself a wide variety of assignments to build your portfolio. Practice every day as you would a musical instrument--and eventually you will become an artist and a craftsman--because you will have the gift of "seeing."
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