Photography is the process of taking pictures. There are many different forms of photography, and it is only limited by what makes you happy.
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Deciding on a subject to photograph is an area that takes lots of thought because you are only limited by your imagination. There are exercises where they have you walk a couple of feet and you have to find something interesting to photograph at that spot. If you use macro photography there is a whole new tiny world out there to explore.
2Once you have a subject in mind you need to set up the camera to get the best composition in your photograph as possible. Any thing that takes away form the main subject or is distracting should be left out of photograph. "Do you need to know digital photography approaches that bring skilled photographers to where they are today? Well, The Top Secret Photography Techniques would help you out in doing so. To acquire stunning photos we initially want to look at some basic photography techniques. The primary one I am able to share with you is identify about light. You can discover everything concerning photography techniques on , The Top Secret Photography Techniques. Each time you discover about light and in what method it interacts with the direct environment then your photographs will get improved..". Try turning the camera in different angles and directions, you will be surprised by how the slightest turn changes the composition completely. Find what makes your subject look the best by moving all around. After you have figured out the composition now it is time to take an exposure reading to get the correct look of darks and lights. There usually is an internal meter on your camera and they are very accurate as long as you take into account if there is an over balance of lights or darks, this can throw off the meter at times and make the whites greys. If you are using a digital camera and take various exposures and check if you got the correct picture.
3Once you have the exposure correct it is time to move to focus. If you are photographing a living creature then as long as you have the eyes in focus if the rest of the face is slightly soft it wont matter. Your aperture is what matters in making things in focus. If you focus on the eyes depending on what your aperture is makes your depth of field. Depth of field is the equation of how much in front and behind the point of focus that will be in focus. Focal length and distance from subject along with aperture are the determining factors of depth of field. Most DSLR cameras have a depth of field button that will show you what is in and out of focus when pressed. With out using this you will learn by trial and error. If you keep everything out of the photograph that takes away from the main subject, compose the subject in an interesting way, and have the main subject in main focus you should have a winning photograph. P.S. there is a rule of thirds that states you should not put the subject into the center of the photograph instead split the picture into thirds vertically and horizontally and if you place your subject on one of these lines you will have better composition.
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