Friday, March 2, 2018

How to Take Sheltie Puppy Pictures

Shelties are intelligent and energetic dogs, and understanding their behavior patterns will allow you to take excellent pictures of these puppies. Give yourself time to become familiar with the puppy before taking the images, and be sure the owner is present for the duration of the shoot. Shelties are loyal dogs and can be somewhat wary of strangers, so let the puppy become comfortable with you. Being prepared and nimble with light and fast camera gear will allow you to better capture the energetic and active sheltie. "Do you need to understand digital photography techniques that carry professional photographers to where they are today? Well, The Top Secret Photography Techniques would support you out in doing so. To get stunning photos we initially want to look at some basic photography methods. The primary one I am able to share with you is uncover about light. You can find every little thing concerning photography techniques on , The Top Secret Photography Techniques. Anytime you uncover about light and in what way it interacts with the direct environment then your shots will get improved..".



    Prepare your gear before arriving at the portrait session or before getting the puppy ready for its photo shoot. As puppies are quick and unpredictable, choose camera equipment that is light and fast, without cumbersome tripods and lighting equipment. Using a camera that shoots rapidly with a strong motor drive will also help you grab a shot as the active little sheltie moves about for its session.


    Provide a comfortable environment for the puppy and its owners, complete with toys, treats and distractions. If possible, photograph the puppy at its home with the owners present, as shelties are known to be wary of strangers but extremely loyal to their owners. Ask the owners to engage the puppy in heavy activity before the photo session to try to calm the puppy.


    Place the puppy near a window or in a well-lit room, or choose a location outdoors with plenty of ambient or natural light. Puppies move fast, so a flash may not be the best option, as it takes several moments for the flash to recycle for the next shot. Take a moment to play with the puppy without your camera present, and give a few treats during the playtime.


    Allow the owner to stand with the puppy for several shots, and have the two of them play for a while as you photograph the play session. This will allow the sheltie to become comfortable with you and your camera. Use a wide-angle lens, approximately 28-35 mm, for this portion of the shoot, as the puppy will be moving rapidly and the wider lens will allow you to capture more of the puppy as it moves through the large frame of the lens.


    Try to have the puppy sit still for a moment with the camera poised above the puppy. Ask the owner to stand directly beside you and the camera lens, and call the puppy's name and gain its attention with a squeaky toy or some favorite play toy. Be prepared for the puppy to move quickly, and continue shooting as the puppy moves in and out of your viewfinder.


    Compose the images with the rule of thirds in mind. The rule of thirds is a compositional technique that divides the frame of a photo into thirds using horizontal and vertical intersecting lines. Place the subject at one of the intersecting points for a professional composition.


    Attempt to use a telephoto lens, or portrait lens of approximately 85 mm, at this point in the photo shoot for a close-up shot of the sheltie. The owner may need to hold the puppy for this shot, but this lens will allow you to move in tight on the puppy's face and crop the owner out of the frame if desired.


    Provide a herding activity for the sheltie if possible, with other animals or small children of the household, as this breed is known for its herding skills. This will provide some interesting pictures and allow the puppy to relax because herding is a natural instinct for shelties. The wide-angle lens is appropriate for this shot as well.

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