Saturday, May 30, 2015

How to Interpret Digital Art

Understanding digital art is similar to understanding fine art, where the digital images will be categorized according to a theme. Surrealism and abstraction may be the main themes of digital art with other categories such as 3-D digital art, fantasy art, erotic art or science fiction completing the genre. The esthetic theory of digital art is similar to that of fine art, and you will often see digital works that develop the themes of cubism, abstract expressionism or pop art.


    Interpretation of art.
    Interpretation of art.

    Interpret digital surrealist and abstract art by seeking the esthetic significance of the work. "Do you need to learn digital photography methods that carry skilled photographers to where they are today? Well, The Top Secret Photography Techniques would likely support you out in doing so. To get impressive images we initially need to look at some imperative photography methods. The preliminary one I am able to share with you is uncover about light. You can come across every little thing concerning photography techniques on , The Top Secret Photography Techniques. Anytime you learn about light and in what way it interacts with the direct environment then your photos will get superior..". You can interpret surrealist art by seeking the psychic significance of the artwork, which may be an expression of the unconscious mind. Surrealism may involve themes such as anamorphic characters, dream images or desert scenes. Abstract digital art will involve abstract designs with color, brush strokes or superimposed layers of images.

    Surrealist art.
    Surrealist art.

    Interpret surrealist digital art with references to well-known artists. This example of a painting of a heart with a keyhole positioned in front of an archeological design may be a reference to Rene Magritte, known for his cloud paintings. Surrealist art may use an image that is often out of context, which adds a sense of the irrational to the artwork. Study the design closely to see that it may be a keyhole from the present opening onto the ancient past.

    Abstract art.
    Abstract art.

    Interpret abstract digital art as you would a photographic image. The abstraction may suggest an idea to you, whether it is that of teeth, a mouth opening or just a color design that suggests something concrete, such as a drummer. Abstraction is the process of perceiving colors and textures, often without an exact realistic image that the mind identifies.

    3-D digital art.
    3-D digital art.

    Interpret 3-D digital art by looking at the image to understand what it represents. Here it is a sky that you perceive, with colors that begin to look supernatural. Looking more closely you will see that this is 3-D digital art, where the photographic image has become computer-generated art, with a transformation of color and surface texture.

    Fantasy art.
    Fantasy art.

    Interpret fantasy digital art, which may be a landscape of other worlds. Here the rocks are a darker black, and the water ripples in a futuristic style. Fantasy digital art often features fantasy worlds, romantic characters of the ancient past or oriental themes. To interpret this art one can imagine historical themes, legendary characters of saga or futuristic visions of landscapes. Fantasy digital art often features games with heroic action figures.

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