Although photography and film are two completely different mediums of live action art, they both share similar techniques to achieve certain end results. Studio lighting can drastically change the look and shading of your photograph or video, but too much or too little of this vital tool can greatly hinder the quality of your finished product. Use a tin can assembly with a reflective surface to help set the mood for your project. Covering your tin can with colored film offers a different perspective in the studio.
Tin Can
- 1
Drill a hole in the bottom of the tin can large enough to thread the light bulb assembly. A tin can offers a shaded appearance when the light bulb is in use, similar to a lamp shade or similar design.
2Twist a nut to the the end of the light bulb assembly with pliers until it fits securely into the hole of the can. The end that holds the light bulb should be inside the tin can.
3Bend the hangar assembly around a block of wood or relatively-shaped object. The hangar should form a three-sided square to hold the tin can light at an appropriate level for studio work.
4Drill holes on each side of the tin can to hold the hangar assembly arms to the outside of this object. Screw in the necessary screws so that the hangar assembly fits snug against the frame of the tin can.
5Strip each of the connecting wires until about 3/4 to 1 inch of copper wire is exposed. Attach wire nuts to each of the newly-exposed wires to hold these pieces together. Wrap electrical tape around each of the wire nuts once they have been attached.
6Attach the power supply socket to the end of the light bulb assembly kit you previously attached to the tin can. Check that the power plug is assembled correctly if the cable did not come with one already put together.
7Screw in an appropriately rated bulb that is made for the specific assembly kit you used. Turn on this light bulb to ensure everything is working.
Colored Lights
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Cut pieces of colored film into circular shapes that are larger than the tin can or related object you are using with the light bulb. Colored light bulbs can be expensive and limit you to one color while replacing color film strips is cheap and interchangeable.
9Place the colored film strip over the opening of the light bulb fixture until all has been covered. Fold the excess film flaps over the sides of the light bulb fixture.
10Tape the sides to secure the colored film to the light fixture. Do not use an adhesive such as glue because you want to be able to easily change out these colored films. A rubber band also works well with holding the film to the fixture.
11Turn your light on to test out the quality of the film on the light bulb. If you are unsatisfied with the color, change the film or add another layer.
12Cut out several pieces of film so that you can always have a few choices to quickly choose from when using your studio light.
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