There are different reasons for which a person will choose to interview a photographer. You may be looking to hire the him or you may be using the interview for a publication. Or, perhaps you are interviewing him for personal reasons. In some instances, a photographer will interview himself for use in marketing and advertisement. Regardless of the reason, there are a few guidelines to adhere to when interviewing a photographer.
- 1
Ask permission to interview the photographer and make an appointment with him if he chooses to accept the interview. Call the photographer or send him an email to request an interview. Refrain from just showing up at his studio. Photographers are often busy people and may not be able to take the time to speak with you if you show up unannounced.
2Research the photographer as much as possible before conducting the interview. Having at least a basic knowledge of the photographer can help the interview go smoothly. It can help establish a conversational tone and give you additional questions and observations.
3Write your interview questions down prior to the interview. Do not show up to the interview unprepared, expecting the photographer to simply begin speaking about himself. Know what you want to ask him. Ask questions that are relevant. Avoid asking any personal questions or questions that are off-topic. It is okay to ask hard questions in most cases, but use a tactful and considerate approach. Do not come off as condescending or disapproving.
4Meet the photographer in a quiet area to conduct the interview. Minimize distractions in your surroundings. If you are conducting the interview via the telephone, find a quiet room or office to use while you are on the phone. Asking the photographer to repeat answers because you are in a noisy area can be annoying and distracting.
5Ask for permission to record the interview. Never record someone without getting permission first. Most photographers will have no problem with you recording them if you explain to them that you will be using the recordings for transcribing the interview.
6Pay attention to what the photographer is saying. Use engaging body language such as eye contact and gestures when appropriate. Turn the interview into a conversation instead of just blasting the photographer with questions. This will help both of you relax and become more comfortable with each other. This will lead to a more informational interview. The more comfortable the photographer is the more candid he is likely to become.
7Keep the interview brief. Do not run over the time the photographer has allotted you. Thank the photographer at the end of the interview.
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