With the invention of digital cameras, fewer photographers rely on cameras that use film. Still, for those photographers who enjoy developing film and printing photographs from the negatives, a proof sheet is a useful tool for photographers. A proof sheet, also known as a contact sheet, provides the photographer with small thumbnail images of their entire roll of film and allows the artist to select which photos to enlarge and print.
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Develop the film. After the negatives have dried, trim them so they can fit in rows on the photography paper.
2Go to the dark room. Shut the door, turn off the regular room lights and turn on the photo-safe red lights. Make sure the developing chemicals are poured in their respective trays so you can develop your contact sheet.
3Set up the enlarger, adjusting it up or down so it will emit enough light to cover the entire sheet of photo paper. Adjust the amount of light it produces, as well, so it emits a moderate amount.
4Lay a piece of photography paper on the enlarger base, where the enlarger light will reach it. Spread the negatives over the paper's surface. Hold the negatives in place with a sheet of glass over the entire surface of the photography paper and negatives.
5Turn on the enlarger and expose the paper to light for several seconds; the precise time depends on the specifications of your equipment.
6Remove the glass and the negatives from the piece of paper. Develop the paper. After it dries completely, you will have a proof sheet which displays all of the photographs you've taken.
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