Fill lighting is a secondary source of light in photography and video designed to counter the harshness of the key light. Fill lighting is shined on the subject of the photograph or video at a contrasting angle to the key light. It removes shadows while still allowing for contrast. This is accomplished by making the fill lighting softer than the key light and at a different vertical angle.
Fill lighting is always the second light source considered in photography or video production. The first is the key light, which is the brightest light source around. This can be the sun, a bright existing light source or a bright production light. Fill lighting is often provided by a reflector when the sun is used as the key light outdoors. It can also be provided by a smaller artificial light or a flash.
A fill light is always smaller than a key light. The job of key lighting is to brighten the subject of a photograph or video. The job of fill lighting is to fill in the shadows and reduce the harshness of the key light. If fill lighting is equal to key lighting, the subject will appear flat and washed out. A general rule is to make fill lighting half the intensity of key lighting. This fills the shadows nicely but leaves enough contrast to provide the illusion of depth in a photograph or video.
Fill lighting is always placed at a contrasting angle to the key light. As a general rule, the key light is shined on the subject of a photograph or video at a 45 degree angle. Fill lighting is usually shined on the subject at a 45 degree angle on the other side of the camera. "Are you looking to discover digital photography solutions that bring experienced photographers to where they are today? Well, The Top Secret Photography Techniques might support you out in doing so. To acquire impressive pictures we initially need to look at some imperative photography strategies. The most important one I am able to share with you is figure out about light. You can obtain everything concerning photography techniques on , The Top Secret Photography Techniques. Each time you find out about light and in what method it interacts with the direct environment then your images will get much better..". From the subject's point of view, the camera is straight ahead, the key light is to one side of the camera and the fill light is on the other side of the camera.
Fill lighting is often placed at a different height than the key light. It is usually positioned slightly lower than the key light so it shines upward on the subject. When fill lighting is at a different vertical angle, it creates very attractive contrast by allowing subtle shading to bend around contours. This gives the illusion of three dimensions in a two dimension medium.
A photograph or video can benefit greatly from careful adjustment of fill lighting. A photographer must examine the lighting once it is initially set up to see if it is achieving the desired effect. Changing the fill lighting is the best way to adjust illumination. If there are still too many shadows on the subject, the existing fill light can be moved closer or a brighter fill light can be used. If the subject appears flat or washed out, the fill light can be moved further away or diminished by diffusing the light. If lingering shadows are being cast because of conflicting light, more fill lighting can be added at different angles and elevations. Professional shoots can have dozens of fill lights.
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