Wednesday, October 12, 2016

How Can I Create a Silhouette of a Person?

The human eye is very good at recognizing objects, even if only their outline is visible. A silhouette is basically any object, reduced to one line. This one line can show the exact profile of a face when seen from the side, making it easily recognizable to anyone who knows that person. Such silhouettes can be easily created and photographed; they are shadows that can be artificially created by standing between a bright light and a white wall. Your shadow on the wall represents your silhouette. Using a camera to create silhouettes of people is fairly simple.



    Locate a good spot where you can begin creating silhouettes and photographing them. Use an area with an uncluttered background so that the person's silhouette will be clear. Use the sun to back-light the subject if possible. Time your experiment so that it is at sunrise or near sunset. This will allow your subject to stand directly in front of the sun.


    Shoot at a different angle if doing this during midday so the sun is behind the person and not shining into the lens. Do not look into the sun through the lens, as this may damage your eyes. Position the person so that they are looking directly to the left or the right.


    Turn off your flash, which can destroy the silhouette by lighting up the person you are photographing. Keep the horizon low in the composition of the photos, which will allow you to get a full and clear outline of the person you are photographing.


    Adjust the light setting away from the subject in a bright area on either side. Set the camera to manual and use that setting to take a picture. The idea is to slightly underexpose the photo, so that no light is reflecting from the person. Note that the side of the person you are photographing is effectively in shadow; by underexposing the photo, you will eliminate any light bouncing back at the person from the ground, or objects in front.


    Try the same method using bright lights indoors. Always keep the light out of the picture and behind the subject of your photo. Put the person in different positions, and experiment shooting at different angles to create all kinds of silhouettes.


    Use digital imaging software to further enhance your silhouettes. Use the contrast function to quickly create more defined silhouettes, for example.

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