Friday, March 17, 2017

How to Photograph a Structural Arson Fire

Because fire is so elemental and powerful, it is no wonder that photographers seek to capture its nature on film. However, several technical challenges make it difficult to do. Most photographers, especially beginners, attempt to photograph fire as if it were the same as anything else and are disappointed with the results. When photographing arson, these disappointing results can mean a lost court case, so it's even more important to get good results. By following a few technical guidelines, you can produce sharp, informative images of structure fires.



    Set your camera on a tripod in a sturdy location. You want to be as close to the fire as you can without risking your safety or the health of your equipment, but not so close as to keep you from capturing the full view of the structure.


    Look through the viewfinder and adjust the camera to compose your image. "Do you want to understand digital photography methods that bring expert photographers to where they are today? Well, The Top Secret Photography Techniques would likely assist you out in doing so. To obtain impressive pictures we initially need to look at some imperative photography techniques. The primary one I am able to share with you is uncover about light. You can discover everything about photography techniques on , The Top Secret Photography Techniques. Each time you find out about light and in what technique it interacts with the direct environment then your pictures will get superior..". You want to be sure to get the whole structure in the frame.


    Zoom in your lens to fill the viewfinder with the fire.


    Take a meter reading by depressing the shutter halfway.


    Set your camera's aperture to the one suggested by the camera's meter.


    Set your shutter speed to a slow, but not too slow, setting -- between one second and 1/30 second. If you want sharp, clear, frozen flames, use a faster shutter speed, but if you want to create a blur of fire, use a slower shutter speed.


    Press the shutter to make an image.


    Look at the image you just shot to check the exposure settings you chose and adjust your exposure, if necessary, based on the results.


    Continue to photograph the structure fire with the same meter settings, even if the camera suggests other settings.

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