The white panel often used in photography shoots functions as a reflector. When used in conjunction with studio lights, the white panel reflector helps balance the lighting of the subject being photographed. White panels can also be used for outdoor photography to balance the effects of sunlight on a subject.
Reflecting Light
Whether in the case of studio lighting or sunlight, lighting the subject with a single, direct light source does not produce optimum photo results. When illuminated by a direct light source, the lighting of the subject will often be unbalanced, featuring brighter illumination on the side angled toward the light source. This can cause discoloration of the subject as well as deep shadows that detract from the photograph. A white panel reflector reflects the light source from an additional angle on to the subject, and thus balances out the photo lighting.
Light Quality
In addition to balancing shadows and brightness, panel reflectors help perfect the light quality of the photograph. White panels have the effect of emphasizing neutral color tones, thus giving the photograph a natural coloration. Likewise, silver reflectors emphasize neutral tones, but also have the effect of further brightening the subject. Additionally, gold reflector panels are used to emphasize warm color tones, while blue reflectors emphasize cool tones.
Using Reflectors
White panel reflectors can be used in numerous ways. Typically, the reflector is positioned at an equal angle to both the light source and subject, such that the light reflects evenly on to the subject. A white panel may also be used in studio photography to block the light source from hitting the subject directly. This softens the lighting of the subject in the photograph. In outdoor photography, the white panel is often held by an assistant who positions the panel in such a way as to eliminate shadows and uneven contrast caused by direct sunlight.
Other Lighting Techniques
There are numerous other lighting devices used in photography. The most basic is an on-camera flash, which is a strobe incorporated into the body of the camera. Since on-camera flashes are limited in size and positioning options, they often do not provide ideal lighting of a subject. A reflector panel can be used in conjunction with an on-camera flash to balance the flash and provide a more professional lighting appearance. Additionally, off-camera flashes and light sources are often used in professional studio photography to optimize lighting conditions. Often, a translucent umbrella is placed in front of direct light sources in order to soften the quality of the light and reduce shadowing of the subject.
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